Rubino & Liang Wealth Partners

Monthly Budget Worksheet

BudgetPlanner_Mockup_previewSitting down with a professional and following this simple budget plan could be the most important thing you do all year.

Follow these 5 Steps when creating a monthly budget:

  • Gather all of your monthly expenses, pay stubs, bank statements and savings or 401(k) statements.
  • Set-up an appointment with a professional to analyze and balance your budget.
  • Document and create your monthly financial plan.
  • Set realistic and attainable goals.
  • Analyze your performance and adjust accordingly.

Use this worksheet to help determine what your monthly (and then annual) expenses are – then use these numbers as reference with our Retirement Income Gap Calculator worksheet to help determine if you have enough guaranteed income to meet your ESSENTIAL expenses in retirement.


Thinking about your retirement situation?

Let’s chat. Find a time on our calendar to reserve a 15 min. phone call with either Sam, John, or Ryan - we'll use this time to get to know you and your needs and talk about the retirement planning obstacles you may be facing.

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