Rubino & Liang Wealth Partners

In The Media

The 365 Retirement Podcast

The 365 Retirement Podcast is devoted entirely to the financial needs and challenges of retirees and those nearing retirement. 

Each week host Randy Cook interviews either Sam Liang, John Conley, or Ryan Marston to discuss issues and challenges that matter most to those planning for retirement or who are already retired.

Latest Episodes

Podcast Audio Episodes

Other Media Appearances

We try to provide financial education to our local community in Boston. To do this, we speak on current financial and retirement topics on TV, in the media, and with helpful articles.

The 365 Retirement Plan Process:

Schedule An Introductory Phone Call

This phone call will give us both a chance to make sure your situation matches our expertise. After all, you wouldn’t see a podiatrist if you needed heart surgery!

Build Your Plan

Work with our team to create a comprehensive strategy that coordinates all aspects of your personal and financial situation. We provide specific recommendations on how to accomplish your retirement goals.

Enjoy Less Stress

Start feeling confident, content, and secure with your retirement situation. You might even sleep better!

Start Building Your 365 Retirement Plan: