Rubino & Liang Wealth Partners

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Where Should My Next Dollar Go?

Feeling stress or uncertainty about where your next dollar should go?

When no guidance is given, you may run the risk of inefficiently deploying cash, overspending, or leaving too much money in bank accounts.

This flowchart will help facilitate more meaningful conversations between you, your significant other, and your financial advisor about your unique goals and preferences, and how those goals and preferences should be factored in when developing a personal “financial order of operations.”

This flowchart covers important factors to to consider when determining where your next dollar should go, such as:

  • Whether you are, broadly-speaking, financially secure (e.g., emergency fund, financially solvent, adequate insurance, etc.).
  • Making sure you are taking advantage of any “free money” available to you through employer benefits.
  • Considering and prioritizing specific goals or broad financial planning objectives.
  • Considering specific accounts or strategies that may further complement your goals, while being mindful of any nuances that may affect your decision