Rubino & Liang Wealth Partners

The History Of Annuities & Defining Their Purpose

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What ARE Annuities, And When Would You Want One?

In this episode of After The Paycheck, Sam and Adam discuss:

  •  the definition (and origin) of annuities
  •  the different types of annuities
  •  when a person might want to consider one
  •  situations where an annuity would NOT be a good fit

How do annuities compare to other investment vehicles?

Most people are looking for a way to ensure they can maintain their lifestyle in retirement, but that often becomes a balancing act between the security of banks and the growth potential of the markets. Below is a quick reference graph that can provide some comparisons of the risk/reward scale of annuities with other types of investments:

investment comparisons chart




Thinking about your retirement situation?

Let’s chat. Find a time on our calendar to reserve a 15 min. phone call with either Sam, John, or Ryan - we'll use this time to get to know you and your needs and talk about the retirement planning obstacles you may be facing.

The 365 Retirement Plan Process:

Schedule An Introductory Phone Call

This phone call will give us both a chance to make sure your situation matches our expertise. After all, you wouldn’t see a podiatrist if you needed heart surgery!

Build Your Plan

Work with our team to create a comprehensive strategy that coordinates all aspects of your personal and financial situation. We provide specific recommendations on how to accomplish your retirement goals.

Enjoy Less Stress

Start feeling confident, content, and secure with your retirement situation. You might even sleep better!

Start Building Your 365 Retirement Plan:

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